There are two different styles of UPC Barcodes for Greeting Cards.
1) A Standard 12-Digit UPC Barcode
2) A 12-Digit UPC Barcode with a 5-digit add-on.

For all but the largest of Greeting Card companies, we recommend using a standard 12-digit UPC Barcode (U.S./Canada) or a 13-digit EAN Barcode (outside of U.S./Canada) and NOT the barcode with an add-on.

When the add-on is used by the large Greeting Card manufacturers, they have the staff and resources to perform physical inventory counts and provide timely reporting to their customers.  The 12 digit barcode is used for each price point or for each category and price point. The store scans the 12-digit barcode only. The Greeting Card manufacturer sends their representatives into the stores and they manage inventory and restocking of the cards based on predetermined inventory levels and buying commitments.

Some smaller Greeting Card manufacturers use one barcode for each variation of price or one barcode for each category and price. This will convey the pricing information to the retailer’s point of sale system but will not allow for the most accurate inventory tracking. We recommend one barcode on each different card to allow for the most detailed tracking and reorder opportunities.

We endorse using a unique 12-digit barcode number (and graphic) for each Greeting Card that you manufacture and sell. This gives the most detailed information to the retailer when they track sales as it creates a clean reorder path at the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) level.

For additional information, please read our tutorial.