As a resource for our clients, we have put together a list of retailers and a link to their vendor compliance pages.
Without a common set of rules, the customer (a major retail store or chain of stores) has hundreds, possibly thousands of vendors that provide upwards of 10’s of thousands of items to these stores.
Vendor Compliance is a standard set of rules governing how vendors will do business with the customer. These rules include all phases of the customer’s business including purchasing, receiving, inventory control, accounting, etc. These rules allow the customer to streamline operations and without them, their operation would be impossible to manage. These inefficiencies would increase costs and would have to be passed on to the retail consumer.
Not all of these vendors will accept UPC barcodes from a reseller. Walmart, Krogers, JC Penny’s and Macy’s require that you have a direct relationship with the GS1. This list is merely for the convenience of our clients and it is your responsibility to coordinate with these vendors prior to purchasing and affixing barcodes to your products from Nationwide Barcode, GS1 or any other resellers.