If you are looking for guaranteed unique barcode numbers, our fair but firm policy makes the most sense for you. Because of our integrity and unique business proposition, you are safer buying barcode numbers from Nationwide Barcode than from any other reseller.
1. We guarantee 100% that our numbers are unique. If we had to refund you, we would lock these numbers out of our database. We would refund your money if there were duplicated numbers or if the numbers were ‘no good.’
With over a million barcodes in our pool, we have never had to refund anyone.
We are careful. We know that doing it right thing the first time is important.
2. Our customers are smart.
You know what you are doing and if you don’t, you are smart enough to know to call and ask questions so we can help coach you in this labyrinth of barcodes.
3. We do not take barcodes back…ever. We do not take a barcode that we issued to one person and put it back into our database. We do not have a 1-day, 5-day, 7-day or 30-day buyback policy. We cannot take this chance. Since our customers are smart (see #2) this will not be an issue.
This is a potential issue with the majority of our competitors. Since they cannot compete against us with experience, knowledge of the industry nor price, they create Return Policies to make you feel good about doing business with them. A guarantee is good (If you have a problem with a number, we’ll give you your money back), a return policy creates a pool of ‘used’ barcodes. We don’t do that.
We value all of our customers and want to make sure everything goes perfect. That’s our commitment.